Kikuoka Country Club

GC Clervaux

GC Grand-Ducal

Kikuoka Country Club

Association de Golf Senior Dames de Luxembourg

Please note that dates and venues might be subject to change.
5 March
Jeu de Quilles de l'Amitié
Jeu de Quilles de l'Amitié, Brasseri de Kirchberg at 19:00.
6 April - Cancelled
Evening Scramble
Evening Scramble, CGGD, 2 x 6 holes
23 April - Cancelled
Mixed Opening Competition
Mixed Opening with ASGL, GCGD
4 May - Cancelled
Evening Scramble
Evening Scramble, GCGD, 2x6 holes
11-13 May - Cancelled
Will take place at Royal Antwerp, Belgium 2021
29 May - Postponed to 3 August
Coupe de l'Amitié
Coupe de l'Amitié, GC de Luxembourg, Belenhaff
4-5 June - Cancelled
Meeting with Dutch Ladies
Will take place at GC Clervaux 2021
8 June - Cancelled
Evening Scramble
Evening Scramble, GCGD, 2 x 6 holes
26 June - postponed to 3 July
Coupe de l'Amitié
Coupe de l'Amitié, Kikuoka GCC. Will take place on 3 July, please sign up at your golfclub
27-28 June
Championnat Interclub
Championnat National Interclub, GCGD
6 July
Evening Scramble
Evening Scramble, GCGD, 2 x 6 holes.
13-17 July - Postponed to 2021
Marisa Sgaravatti Trophy
The Marisa Sqaravatti Trophy is postponed and will take place in the Czech Republic on 11-17 July 2021. Keep informed by following their new Facebook page.
21 July (date to be confirmed)
Ladies Challenge
Ladies Challenge, GC Christnach
21 July
Senior Open
Senior Open, GCC Kikuoka
24 July
Coupe de l'Amitié
Coupe de l'Amitié, GC de Clervaux
27 July - Cancelled
Meeting with the Ladies from Spa, GC de Luxembourg, Belenhaff has been cancelled.
27 July
Monthly Challenge - New
Monthly Challenge, GC de Luxembourg, Belenhaff.
Monday 3 August
Coupe de l'Amitié
Coupe de l'Amitié, GC de Luxembourg, Belenhaff. Please sign up at your golf club.
Tuesday 4 August
Evening Scramble
Evening Scramble, GCGD, 2 x 6 holes
9-11 August - Cancelled
Freundschaftsspiel, Germany has been cancelled.
24 August
Monthly Challenge
Change of venue: The Monthly Challenge will be played at GC Longwy (instead of GC Trier).
25 August - Cancelled
Senior Open
Senior Open, GC Clerveaux
28 August
Coupe de l'Amitié
Coupe de l'Amitié, GC Christnach
7 September
Evening Scramble
Evening Scramble, GCGD, 2 x 6 holes.
12-13 September
Championnat National Individuel
Championnat National Individuel, GC Christnach
14 September
Monthly Challenge
Monthly Challenge, Preisch.
19-20 September
Championnat National, Mid-Amateur
Championnat National, Mid-Amateur, Kikuoka GCC
22 September
Senior Open
Senior Open, GC Christnach
25 September
Coupe de l'Amitié
Coupe de l'Amitié, Closing competition, GCGD.
5 October
Evening Scramble - NEW
Last Evening Scramble for the season, 2 x 6 holes, GCGD.
8 October
Mixed Closing Competition
Mixed Closing Competition with ASGL, GCGD, followed by lunch.
2 December - Cancelled
Christmas lunch